Roivant measures the success of its IT and Operations staff largely on the delivery of results (outcomes), which provide business value, and their impact on the company. But what do results and value mean? The definitions are by necessity a bit vague, but generally: results provide business value. Business value is anything which delivers health and well-being - abilities, financial and operational efficiencies, staff morale, and so on - to the business. Here are three guiding principles on how to think about results, as it relates to career progression.

  • Consistency: We consider the results you’ve delivered over time. Are you able to deliver work that matters not just once, but do so reliably and sustainably.
  • Velocity: Velocity is speed plus direction. We consider the timeliness and strategic focus of results.
  • Accountability: Every level is accountable for delivering results. More senior levels are held more directly accountable for the business impact of their decisions.

Career Competencies for Results

Our career growth framework is anchored on results, aka outcomes, which is a function of our output (the things we produce) combined with their effect (what that output actually does). A manager’s results often derive from organizational leverage; up-leveling an organization through the pillars of the core responsibilities: Results, Direction, Talent and Values. Engineers and Operations professionals, as a part of mastering their craft, develop functional and technical competencies to increase their business impact. The competencies mentioned below are designed to help you understand different ways in which you better deliver results. One doesn’t need to excel at every one of them.

Domain Expertise

You are an authority at Roivant on a particular domain. This could be a discipline (like Product Mangement or Procurement), a platform (e.g. Windows or iOS), particular field of computer science, or product category. As you grow along the arc of being a professional in your field, you get deeper and deeper into a space or expand to having more breadth. Results are often delivered through consulting, quickly unblocking thorny issues in a domain, and finding creative, generalizable approaches to non-obvious problems in a domain.


You excel at identifying high-value ideas (professional, technical or product) that you and the team build and that successfully improve our services or productivity. You are both a force behind the creation of sustainable solutions for these ideas, and successful in getting the needed momentum behind them to see them realized. Your deliver value by keeping Roivant on the leading edge of our space and market.

Product and Service Expertise

You excel at working with product, design and other stakeholders to deliver solutions through well-scoped milestones that validate business needs as quickly as possible while designing for the appropriate level of scale, reliability and future maintainability. You proactively identify the tradeoffs of creating new systems and components, reusing or adapting existing systems, or using open source or partner solutions to optimize Roivant’s return on investment in a new internal product.

Project Leadership

You excel at delivering very large, deep or cross-functional projects through your technical understanding and contributions. You have a deep understanding of the broader purpose and goals of a project, and exhibit excellent judgement when faced with trade-offs and key decisions. Your provide value to Roivant through your track record of successful delivery of these challenging projects.

Leadership & Mentorship

You are a role model for what excellence in one or more disciplines looks like, and you actively level up those around you through the practice of your craft, guidance, and example-setting. Results come from how you influence how your teams, and Roivant as a whole, and how this influence accelerates the professional development of those around you.

Collaboration and Transparency

You collaborate deeply with those around you, inside and outside of your organization, and you make the work you do transparent and accessible to your colleagues. You develop skills that allow you to work independently while effectively communicating and working with your teammates and organization; you strive to break down silos and SPOFs.